Who can fly?

We welcome flyers from 5 years of age. There are very few reasons why you may not be able to fly and we are super proud of our record of flying those with disabilities of every nature. Check the criteria below before you book.

We want everyone to fly

We’ll do everything we can to help you fly because our goal is to deliver the dream of flight to everyone!

There are a few exceptions which you should be aware of:
  • Do not weigh more than 115kg or more than 105kg for people who are under 185cm tall
  • Are 5 or above (you must be able to comfortably wear one of our helmets).
  • Are NOT pregnant.
  • Have NOT previously dislocated your shoulder
  • Have NO heart conditions
  • Are NOT under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs.
  • Are NOT wearing a hard cast.
  • Have signed permission from a parent or guardian if under 18 yrs of age*
  • Have signed our Declaration of Risk


*Flyers under 18 yrs of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (over 18 yrs of age) on the day of flight.
The parent / guardian will be required to provide a signature, as well as attend the classroom briefing.

All abilities are very welcome

We welcome people with disabilities and will do our best to accommodate them. It's almost always possible to fly if you have a physical disability.

In order to make this the best of experiences, we usually ask people to contact us first so we can advise them on the best time and experience to go for.


Any other questions?

If you have any concerns or questions about whether or not you can fly, contact your local iFLY. Everyone who flies must complete a Declaration of Risk, which contains further details. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more helpful information and advice.