Packages & Prices

We have a number of different flight packages available and the price will be different based on the package you choose. Please take a look at our different packages we have available online to see which best suits you.


It's simply our most popular offer, perfect for a first free fall experience. Most of those who come to iFLY would like to have been able to fly longer but this package is ideal for an initiation.

The kick-start package includes:

  • Equipment rental (suit, goggles and helmet)
  • A personalized briefing
  • 2 sensational free fall equivalent to 3 plane jumps from 13.500 feet
  • A personalized flight certificate

Unique sensations from 44,90€.




Ideal for those looking for double the sensation. This is also the formula we recommend to take full advantage of your visit to iFLY. Before the end of your fight session, you will be able to fly without being assisted by the instructor.
This formula contains twice as much flight time as the kick start ! It is because of this that you will really begin to progress.

The Airborne package includes:

  • Equipment rental (suit, goggles and helmet)
  • A personalized briefing
  • 4 free fall equivalent to 6 plane jumps from 13.500 feet
  • A personalized fall certificate

Special offers are available with this package from 84.90€ per person.


We have many groups offers to best meet your requests !

Whether you want to organize the coolest birthday party, an original bachelor party, share a sensational moment with your colleagues or just have a great day with your friends, you'll have an unforgettable experience !

Prices for group offers start at 49,90€ per person.
